


发布时间:2019.06.22 | 发布人:标杆考察网


某件事足够重要时,即便缺乏胜算,你也应该去做。 ——Elon Musk,特斯拉汽车和SpaceX公司的CEO


别人当作疯子,我们却认为是天才。因为只有足够疯狂才能改变世界。 ——乔布斯

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风险时刻存在着,大转变创造新机遇,开创新天地。 ——Sophia Amorous,美国女性服饰销售网站Nasty Gal(坏女孩)的创立人。


发明是一种团队活动,所有的伟大发明都来自于团体——Steve Case,美国在线公司(AOL)的共同创始人。


比生活工作更重要的是激情,可以服务世界并提升自我——Richard Branson,维珍航空创始人

Guy Kawasaki,硅谷著名的风险投资家、Garage.com风险投资公司董事局主席。.png

造就一个伟大的企业是为了什么?是因为创业者想改变世界,而并不是为了赚快钱——Guy Kawasaki,硅谷著名的风险投资家、Garage.com风险投资公司董事局主席。



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你可以梦想、设计创作并建造世上最美丽的地方,但总需要有人来付诸实现 ——Walt Disney


他们坚持 (They're persistent)

Launching a startup is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires stamina, and you have to be fit to sustain the lifestyle. Founders inevitably come up against failure on a daily basis. While some ideas work, more often they don't. You try, fail, and try again.

Nine to five? Forget about it. Most startup teams clock 80 to 90 hours a week in the launch phase. As one tech entrepreneur recently told me, having an idea is just the first step on a long road. You have to have the intestinal fortitude to put your head down and get through the process.



他们善变 (They're adaptive)

The startup world can be a jungle, and the most successful entrepreneurs have a keen ability to quickly adapt to their habitat. So much can change from the inception of an idea to the final product -- unforeseen problems arise; the market changes; demand changes. Successful entrepreneurs recognize that and are willing to try a different approach when something isn't working. In startup jargon, it's called pivoting. They can duck, dodge, dive to escape the metaphorical bullets of the entrepreneurial landscape while remaining laser-focused.

One local entrepreneur admitted to me without hesitation that being a pioneer is terrifying because it means you don't have a road map. As a founder, you have to become a jack of all trades. You are the manager, the IT department, the marketing department, and somewhere in between all of that, you have to get your work done.



他们冒险 (They're risk takers)

Entrepreneurs are, above all, risk takers. They are willing to part ways with a job that offers a plush salary and benefits to pursue their idea or business. Or they start with nothing -- and no guarantee.

We often hear entrepreneurs' grandiose success stories, but we don't always hear about the long, tumultuous journeys that led them there. I once asked a solo founder about the scariest part of being an entrepreneur. He told me about the time his funds were dwindling and his wife called him from the grocery store checkout line to inform him their credit card had been declined. Now that's real.



他们富有想象力 (They're imaginative doers)

After working with several fledgling companies early in his career, Andrew Yang started to believe entrepreneurship could solve many of the problems plaguing both the economy and young professionals.

So what did he do? Yang created Venture for America, a nonprofit organization based on the Teach for America model, that recruits top college graduates to work for two years at emerging startups and early-stage companies in lower-cost cities like New Orleans, Detroit and Cleveland. Venture for America now has fellows working with startups in 12 cities across the United States.

Entrepreneurs see the world differently. Where other people see problems, they see opportunities. But it's one thing to have a great idea -- it's a whole other thing to see that idea through. Successful entrepreneurs don't just dream; they're willing to go out and create solutions.

Andrew Yang早期职业生涯中曾经在多家初创公司就职,他相信作为一个企业家,应该能够解决年轻人的就业问题。

他做了什么? Yang创建了Venture for America,这是一家基于教育美国模特儿的非赢利机构。这家公司招募顶尖大学的毕业生去一些新兴初创公司工作2年,地点通常为一些低消费城市,例如新奥尔良、底特律、克里夫兰等,现在这家机构业务已经扩展到全美的12个城市。


他们自信 (They're confident)

At our hub, we have a saying plastered on the walls: Trust Your Crazy Ideas. It's the foundation for the work we do with every entrepreneur who walks through our doors. Every successful entrepreneur who built a great enterprise started with a crazy idea.

Here's a simple question: Who is the first innovator who comes to mind when you think about entrepreneurship? I would venture to say that whoever you thought of, at any given point in his or her life, someone called that person crazy. Entrepreneurs face doubt, not only from others but also from themselves. It's those entrepreneurs who are confident enough to believe in their ideas, and stick with them, that change the world.



他们值得信赖 (They're trustworthy)

In the startup world, the success of an entrepreneur often hinges on building trust. Whether they're pitching to venture capitalists, accelerator program managers or potential future customers, entrepreneurs are essentially selling an idea or product that doesn't yet exist. It's all based on assumptions.

Time and time again, I've heard the words, "People don't invest in companies, they invest in people." Investors are constantly being pitched by entrepreneurs eager for capital. Before they can persuade someone to sign a check and infuse a startup's lean bank account, entrepreneurs must first convince the investor that they can be trusted.

After all, investors aren't doling out big bucks for charity. They are making long-term investments, and they want to know that their money is in good hands.




